3.0测试服支持包即将上线 300即可畅玩3.0
As you know, we are working towards releasing a Beta test for our upcoming expansion, The Fall of Oriath. One of the ways to get a Beta key will be to purchase one of our new set of supporter packs.
众所周知,我们正在准备3.0 奥瑞亚的陨落的测试服,只要购买即将上架的【奥瑞亚的陨落支持包】即可获得本次测试的资格。
When these packs are launched, the Atlas of Worlds ones will go off sale, forever! We don't know an exact date yet, but are targeting a Beta release in May. This means that there are potentially only a few more weeks left to buy an Atlas of Worlds pack.
国际服的可以点击这里购买:http://www.pathofexile.com/purchase (目前只有【舆图支持包】,过段日子上带测试资格的【奥瑞亚的陨落支持包】 )
Each supporter pack contains points to spend in the store and exclusive in-game microtransactions which are available only in supporter packs and will not appear in the store.
There are also physical items, like Path of Exile t-shirts and a cloth map of the Atlas!
另外还有很多实物物品,就像 t-shirt衣服,舆图地图布等。
If you'd like to reserve a supporter pack so you can purchase it after Atlas of Worlds packs leave the store, you can set up a payment plan with our customer support team atsupport@grindinggear.com.
如果你想要购买一份,可以在它下架前把你的购买计划发给我们的客户支持 support@grindinggear.com.
Speaking of exclusives, don't forget about the special Legacy Brimmed Hat that is available only during current Legacy League.
谈及专属,不要忘记这个特殊的帽子【 Legacy Brimmed Hat】,它只在遗产联盟有效。
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